With a free flowing White Salmon River restored, salmon and steelhead will finally be returning after a century absence. Ironically, Klickitat County has imperiled this success with an ill-conceived plan to rezone hundreds of acres along the river, including land along the best salmon and steelhead habitat on the main-stem. The County’s vision – sprawling residential development of up to 10 times the current densities.

The proposal would degrade water quality and quantity and spoil the investment we are making to restore wild salmon runs on this Wild & Scenic River. The County’s plan would also actively promote the conversion of prime farm and forest lands and priority wildlife habitats. The County’s plan would harm both public and private property rights.

Friends of White Salmon River envisions a better future that works for the whole community. Instead of working together, the County has pushed ahead alone. In pursuit of a workable
solution, Friends of White Salmon River, along with Friends of the Columbia Gorge and the Yakama Nation, have filed a legal challenge against the County for violating state environmental laws.

We need your support to succeed in this effort! By making a donation and becoming a member of the Friends of the White Salmon River today you can support these critical efforts and ensure YOUR interests in the lands and waters of White Salmon River valley are protected.

Go here for a donation/membership form or use PayPal (annual dues $25).