Time to Participate News Flash – Klickitat County Board of Commissioners to hold Husum/BZ rezone public meeting April 5, 2012 (4:00-8:00 pm) in White Salmon Pioneer Center. Return here as we provide additional details for participation including a form letter for commenting early the week of March 25, 2012. Also, visit our Husum/BZ Sub-Area Plan page for additional information.
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Friends of the White Salmon River2 days ago
Interesting statement from the Cascades Volcano Observatory about small earthquakes on Mt. Adams. No cause for alarm, say the experts, just interesting. Also leading to some more sensors being placed on the mountain. which will also be useful in building a lahar warning system someday,
Volcano Updates | U.S. Geological Survey
Volcano observatories issue updates and other types of notifications as activity warrants.