The public is invited to the White Salmon River Homecoming, a community celebration of the river on September 29th. The event includes an opportunity to experience the river on a raft trip, share a traditional salmon bake meal prepared by Yakama tribal cooks and local gardeners, and hear updates on the removal of Condit Dam and subsequent restoration of the river. This celebration marks the return of the salmon and the beginning of the restoration process.
After decades of debate, deliberations, and disagreements over the fate of Condit Dam, this event is hoped to be a small step for the community toward healing these divisions. In the morning, the celebration begins with low-cost river floats for community members sponsored by Wet Planet Rafting and the outfitters of the White Salmon River. The event continues in the afternoon when community members will the be offered a seat at the table during a community salmon meal, sponsored by Yakama Nation Fisheries at Northwestern Park beginning at 3 pm. Tribal cooks will prepare salmon and fry bread for the community and donations from Trout Lake gardeners and a local orchard. Events at the park start at 2 p.m. and will include an invocation, information booths, a free dinner, and an opportunity to celebrate with other community members.
The White Salmon River Homecoming is sponsored by Friends of the White Salmon River, Wet Planet Rafting, Yakama Nation and Mid-Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group. For information or to register for the community float or salmon bake, please visit: whitesalmonriverhomecoming.