Coming this Sunday, October 21st!
Virginia Butler, professor of Anthropology at Portland State will present a special program entitled “13,000 Years of Northwest Fisheries, on Sunday, October 21, at 1 p.m. at the Bradford Island Visitor Center on the Oregon shore of Bonneville Dam.
Dr. Butler will display fish faunal records from over 75 Columbia Basin archaeological sites to show fish abundance and distribution in the River system. This 13,000 year record of the geochemistry analysis of the small ear stones of fish from these sites is a basis for determining Native American fish use throughout the centuries
Virginia Butler earned her BA in Anthropology from the University of Georgia and her PhD in an interdisciplinary program, Paleoichthyology, from the University of Washington. Her primary interest is zooarchaeology, the study of animal remains from archaeological sites. Her work shows ways that ancient animal records contribute to conservation biology, which often operates with limited knowledge of long-term biotic history.
This program, hosted by the Gorge chapter of the Ice Age Floods Institute, is free and open to the public.