Rich Phaneuf has 26 years of experience and has participated in hundreds of projects involving bioengineered streambank stabilization, large-scale river channel relocation, wetland creation, biotechnical erosion control, and habitat enhancement for trout and salmon in the Pacific Northwest. Typically, Rich serves multiple roles throughout the life of a project. Initially, in the project phase Rich would manage multiple survey teams to collect data for the basis of design. After the data was collected, Rich would compile data sets from multiple sources to create the foundation of the project. Rich would then take that data and develop base maps and drawings for the conceptual design, permitting, bid documents, and as-builts after construction. Rich also serves an integral part of data analysis, project management, generating cost, and volume reports. Rich sees the importance of the way data is collected and the way to present it to a diverse audience. Now Rich is focused on ways to improve data collection and the documenting process. With the increased accuracy of UAV LiDAR and the ability to couple data with photogrammetry there are ways to bring your project site to your computer. With a background in traditional architectural engineering this enables him to perform analysis, develop drawings, and designs that are easily interpreted by contractors, permitting agencies and
citizen advisory groups.