Wild and Scenic

Friends of the White Salmon River works to protect the White Salmon River and it’s watershed, in order to restore naturally reproducing anadromous fish populations.  FWSR achieves this through education and advocacy but also through financial support of critical causes and recreation.

Current issues involving the White Salmon River:

Upper Issue The Upper White Salmon Wild and Scenic Rivers Act was signed into law August 2, 2005, designating 20 miles of river segments of the main stem of the White Salmon River and Cascade Creek as a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. The Trout Lake Ranger district recently began a planning process to… Read more


Upper Issue (5)The Management Plan for the Lower White Salmon Wild and Scenic River (BZ Corners to the bridge at the old Northwestern Lake) was completed and approved in November, 1991. The Plan was developed over a three year period with intense involvement of federal, state, county, and private landowners…Read more


Upper Issue (7)While many mid-Columbia residents may believe that salmon habitat restoration on the White Salmon River was achieved by the removal of Condit Dam, actually, that momentous act signified just the beginning of restoration. Habitat under water for decades has needed native tree and shrub planting…Read more


Upper Issue (9)






Rattlesnake Creek Watershed