- Spawning salmon species have been documented in Spring Creek
Spring creek is a low gradient stream with excellent potential for fish habitat - Local efforts to improve fish habitat by removing earthen dams and culverts
- Previous logging along Spring Creek damaged stream riparian area and canopy cover
Geologic features/Unique Landforms:
- Known as the “mud wall” by locals and river users, the sharp “S” curve of the WS river made up of unconsolidated flood deposits visible from the river for ½ mile.
- Large meander of the WS river down stream of the Husum falls. This section is a lower gradient reach of the river with intact riparian areas and mature forest canopy over the river.
- Rare and unique low bank terraces provide access to the river for humans and wildlife
- Unique riparian floodplain and wetlands
- Mature forest of up to 80-100 year old mixed conifers with pockets of oak trees
- Potential to become an Old Growth forest within next generation
Low bank habitat for animals crossing the White Salmon River - Forested wetlands
- Fresh cold water upland pools and wetlands for amphibian life stages (frogs, salamanders)
- Bald Eagles
- Osprey
- Pileated Woodpeckers
- Secondary cavity dwelling bird species- woodpeckers, owls, nuthatches, etc.
- Turkeys
Large Mammals:
- Cougars
- Black bears
- Bobcats
- Elk
- Deer
Threatened and Endangered fish species in the White Salmon River
- Chinook Salmon
- Coho Salmon
- Chum Salmon
- Steelhead
- Bull Trout
Species of concern:
- Lamprey
Plants/Fungi in addition to habitat mentioned above.
These are just a few highlights
- Ladyslippers
- Trillium
- Rare/unique black chanterelle